Your Business Matters to God: Kingdom Principles for Aligning Your Firm with the Great Commission

Your Business Matters to God: Kingdom Principles for Aligning Your Firm with the Great Commission
by T.L. Hart
What If Your Business Isn’t a Distraction From Your “Spiritual” Calling…
But Is Actually Central to God’s Will for Your Life?
Not all ministers stand in pulpits. Some sit in board rooms. Others walk the shop floor.
The Bible says the role of the church is “to equip the saints” for the work of the ministry. That’s because real ministry is what happens seven days a week, as we go about our daily routine in the world beyond the four walls of the church.
Unfortunately, the false divide between the sacred and the secular has left many Christians feeling like second-class citizens of the Kingdom. No more! In Your Business Matters to God, your heart and mind will be stirred by the significance of your calling to the marketplace.
This book is for you if you are:
✓ Planning to start a business
✓ Already building a business
✓ Looking for a strategy to grow to the next level
✓ An entrepreneur or franchise owner
Get ready to catch the vision for a Kingdom-driven business and discover biblical principles to help you increase profits while making a difference, both now and for eternity.
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Have you ever wondered if God was willing to bless your business, then use it for His glory and for His kingdom?” If so, you’ve picked up the right book at the right time, written by the right person.
I have known Terry Hart for over two decades now, having first met him on the board of the Amy Foundation, founded and operated by an amazing man, Jim Russell. You’ll be hearing more about Jim as you read Your Business Matters to God. Jim Russell started his business in a humble bedroom at his home and grew it to become a multi-million-dollar enterprise, connected with the Great Commission. Jim was Terry’s mentor.
Terry’s love for God, his family, and other people impressed me from the start. He’s serious about being a follower of Jesus Christ, and about discipling the nations, beginning with those closest to him. You won’t find a purer character than you’ll find in this author. I’ve seen him lay down his life, so to speak, for the sake of others. And that’s the kind of Christian you want to follow and emulate.
Get ready for an adventure into discovering the grandest of all causes, and how you can develop a three-fold system of vision, work, and strategy that will pay high dividends to your company. Get some highlighters and mark up this book every time you read a fresh truth or receive an “Ah-ha” moment as you read. Your vision is about to come alive.
In fact, Terry says, “Everything that exists began with a vision of what could be.” In Your Business Matters to God, you’ll discover the power of vision: seeing things that don’t yet exist in the natural realm (Hebrews 11:1-3). You’ll learn how vision is the first stage to calling those things that be not as though they already are (Romans 4:17). One of the top reasons for business failure is having an unsure or blurred vision. Vision is the “what.” Strategy is the “how.”
Terry encourages you to develop an energizing reason to get up in the morning. He’ll show you how to become a fueler to others.
In all of life, you’ll encounter fuelers and drainers. Terry is a fueler himself. And he’s written this book to fuel you and propel your business to a whole new dimension. Stop differentiating between the secular and the sacred and begin advancing God’s purposes on the Earth NOW in every area of life and work. I’ve read this book, cover-to-cover, and am pleased to give my endorsement to business people, entrepreneurs, and those who can see themselves as high achievers with God’s help. Get ready for blast-off. You are destined for a whole new dimension as you absorb and practice the principles in Your Business Matters to God—Dave Williams, D. Min, D.D.