Woman EX: The Death of Patriarchy

Woman EX: The Death of Patriarchy
by Real Laplaine
Two back to back apocalyptic incidents change the world; the first, a nuclear war between America and North Korea, and then, as the world is still reeling from the consequences of that debacle, two pieces of space rock the size of Manhattan slam into the Earth, wiping out billions of people in just minutes, one of them unleashing a deadly pathogen that scatters into the atmosphere. Within months, men are dying off by the millions, and within a year, they are an endangered species. Women, their physiology unaffected by the virus, are forced to take over. They not only save what little remains of the male species, they start to rebuild a new world, a new paradigm, one entirely dominated by women. New international laws are established forbidding men from ever gaining positions of power again, for it is men who are seen as the toxic element, who failed to prevent a nuclear war, who built the war machines, who waged war against one another, and who subjugated women in their patriarchal society. Sixteen years have passed since the first bombs were dropped and the asteroids fell from the sky, when Tanner McNeal, and his intrepid team of space voyagers, return from their mission to Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. When they step back on Earth, they are shocked to find a different world. Tanner and the men of his crew are promptly arrested under the new mandates, and the women of his crew are taken away to be indoctrinated on their roles in the new Utopia. With so few men left alive, most of them in work camps or farm collectives, relegated to laborers for the most part, Tanner discovers who he is up against, Lady V, the President of New America, a woman who hates men so deeply that she has developed an entirely new gender, Woman Ex, and her goal is to eliminate all men forever. Tanner is racing against the clock, as he organizes a grassroots rebellion, a seemingly impossible uprising against Lady V's army, but he soon discovers that many women are on his side, and the battle ensues to save the race of humanity.
Real Laplaine takes you on another rollercoaster ride into a dystopian world of the near-future in this high-concept thriller.
Charles Freedom Long, author of Alvar's Spear
Chock full of great characters, lively action, and adroit narrative, Woman EX is a novel you won’t want to put down.
Ken Dickson, author of The Road to Amistad
Woman EX, by Real Laplaine, is a wonderfully written dystopia.
Russell Warnberg, author of 2064
Here is another fascinating book from an author I came to enjoy so much. You know you are reading a great book when it sounds less like fiction and more like hypothetical truth.
A.G. Mogan, author of The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler
If you want to read a book that is so close to the reality and full of action and also makes you think of what could happen in our lifetime, you won't want to miss this one.
Marina Osipova, author of The Cruel Romance
An utterly captivating and quickly-paced thriller with a clear message behind.
Victoria Ichizli-Bartels - author of Cheerleading for Writers