Wolves Among Us: Biblical Principles To Identify And Expose Spiritual Predators

Wolves Among Us: Biblical Principles To Identify And Expose Spiritual Predators

by Linda Shirey

Wolves are predators, but wolves posing as sheep are hard to discern. In Matthew 7, Jesus equates false prophets to “ravenous wolves” and commands His disciples to beware because they will come disguised as His sheep. In Wolves Among Us, Linda Shirey writes to church congregants who share her conviction of being under church authority but not to be used and abused.

While spiritual wolves pose a real disruptive and destructive danger to Christ’s bride, He has equipped her with all she needs to identify, address, and expose these spiritual predators. Christ said, “You will know them by their fruit.” But are wolves in the church that easy to spot?

Part of rightly dividing the Word of truth includes seeing people as they are, beyond the carefully crafted masks and staged personalities put on for the benefit of an audience. Wolves Among Us provides in-depth Biblical support and real-life experiences to help interpret the red flags and identification markers of predators. When members of Christ’s body are properly equipped, God’s word brings light, unity, and wisdom to a dark, disruptive, and dangerous experience.




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