When the Power is Gone: A Powerless World - Book 1 (A Powerless World Series)

When the Power is Gone: A Powerless World - Book 1 (A Powerless World Series)
Russ and Anne Mathews live in a small rural suburb in Middle Tennessee. Regular people, with regular jobs, living a normal life - except for one thing. They are what many people call "preppers". They have stocked up on supplies to survive any kind of event that may occur to disrupt life as they know it. When that event comes, they start preparing for the new way of life they will face. Along with their teenage son, Rusty, and their next door neighbors and best friends, Bob, Janet and Ben Hopper, they plan their exit from a neighborhood too close to the city to a place in the country. While their plan had always been for just the six of them, fate changes that and their group grows in numbers. Their plan had also been to take their time, riding out the first couple of weeks hunkered down at home, then head out once the initial insanity had died down. Unfortunately, circumstances in the area change that, and they must shorten their timeline to leave their homes. Their faith in their own capabilities and in humankind will be challenged, as they fight to protect and keep their supplies and, quite possibly, their lives.