Wanderlost: Shots of Literary Tequila for the Restless Soul

Wanderlost: Shots of Literary Tequila for the Restless Soul
by Simon Williams
When in Rome do as the Romans do... nah, bugger that for a joke.
From being trapped in a plane with broken landing gear high above the Grand Canyon, to facing arrest in Hong Kong for holding up traffic in a bathrobe, to being accosted by three aggressive locals entering a men's washroom in New Delhi Airport, what else can go wrong on a trip?
These are one man's enthralling stories of wandering our planet that the Travel Channel doesn't want you to know. Simon explains exactly what not to do when you find yourself in a hairy situation.
Nobody travels like this anymore. Maybe for good reason. Simon Williams doesn't go looking for trouble in life, but when he finds it he never keeps his sarcastic mouth shut.
Travelling - it leaves you speechless then turns you into story tellers. Ibn Battuta