Until My Name Is Known (Tell of My Kingdom's Glory)

Until My Name Is Known (Tell of My Kingdom's Glory)
by Sonya Contreras
The Exodus of the Jews from Egypt is a love story between God and His people. God woos His people to Himself as He prepares them to leave.
Before leaving, God must fight Pharaoh for possession of His people.See how God changes all people: some for the better, others not. None stay the same.
How will He change you? Can you trust a God Who destroyed a nation before your eyes?Would you want Him as your Friend?
See God free His people from Egypt's bonds before a watching world.
Trace His Finger in the lives He touches.
The Time: 2450 BC
The Place: Old Kingdom of Egypt
Pharaoh is god.His people worship him.
Israel's God arrives.He challenges Pharaoh.
His power touches all people.They must change.
Some do not concede. They suffer.
Others yield. They find freedom.
Until My Name Is Known brings all to see the one true God.
Read it to see Him.
Today's historians and archaeologists puzzle over the fall of the Old Kingdom of Egypt,But the world at that time heard of God.The world knew that He is the Lord.His Name was proclaimed in all the earth.Book One of the series Tell of My Kingdom' s Glory