Until It Doesn't

Until It Doesn't
by Zoƫ Marshall
Bailey Swanson is a disaster when it comes to romance. She's an aspiring actress, but her real life relationships never mirror the happy endings she wants to play on stage. And now her latest cheating ex has driven her into the arms of Ben and Jerry, who have always been there for her.
Her best friend and manager Mark does his best to get her through the emotional trauma while desperately trying to jump-start her nonexistent career. They’ve been friends since childhood and Mark is the only one who gets her, who sees through her difficult-to-love exterior. He's the one thing in her life she can count on.
When Bailey decides the only thing to do is to swear off all relationships forever, she realizes its not easy to shut down her heart. But maybe that's not the right answer. Maybe the right answer has been in front of her face all along….