Trial, Error, and Success

Trial, Error, and Success
by Sima Dimitrijev and Maryann Karinch
Everything in nature evolves by trial and error. We cannot avoid this fundamental method of natural evolution, but our human advantage is that we can think about and learn from the errors before trying again.
Trial, Error, and Success helps boost that advantage with 10 insights into realistic knowledge, thinking, and emotional intelligence.
You will see throughout the book how successful thinking combines sharp analyses of new information with broad analogies to existing knowledge. The authors use real-life examples to show
- How thinking can avoid overgeneralization traps.
- How to create new knowledge by trial-and-error thinking.
- How to reduce personal risk and maximize benefits by collective application of the trial-and-error process.
It becomes obvious why machine learning and automatic actions cannot replace human intelligence and decision making!
Table of Contents
Author's Note
Introduction: Why Switch from Proven Science to Trial and Error?
A. The Knowledge Level
1. Laws of Science and Math Are Overgeneralization Traps
2. No Process Can Avoid Unpredictable Events
3. More of the Same Works in Stable Conditions
4. Differences Are the Key When the Conditions Change
B. The Intelligence Level
5. Think by Analyzing Differences before Generalizing Similarities
6. Learn from Others but Use the Knowledge Prudently
7. Think about Risk and Benefit to Make Free-Will Decisions
C. The Emotional-Intelligence Level
8. Minimize Risk and Maximize Opportunities by Working in Holistic Teams
9. Build Teams on the Platform of Emotions
10. Utilize Brain Plasticity to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
Author Bios