To Boldly Go

To Boldly Go
by Em Stevens
When life gives you lemons, drink limoncello.
Taryn's trip of a lifetime is finally happening. She's saved money, researched, planned, and created an itinerary that will allow her to travel Italy...and finally tell her best friend that she's in love with her. But those plans are ruined when she wakes up alone, her crush gone. Her plans did not include being alone and stranded in Milan.
Now Taryn's dream vacation is a nightmare.
Enter Holly, a fellow traveler: young, full of life, and comfortable traipsing off the beaten path. Holly feels a connection with Taryn and wants to salvage her trip. After all, they're in freaking Italy! But their radically different travel styles and age differences make for rough terrain.
Together, they boldly go into unexplored territories of the heart, and may just discover love.