There and Back There Again

There and Back There Again
by Andrew Alsup
Welcome to my book, There and Back There Again by Andy Alsup ~ Village Savant.
My story has a few themes:
- technology
- music
- culture
- Seattle
- religion
- Aspergers
- schizophrenia
- psychic musings
I write a lot about my daily experience. It primarily revolves around my ongoing conversation with a variety of voices I hear in my head. I call this experience a couple of things. It is psychic. It is a network of identities. It is public. It is hilarious.
This is an introduction to give you an idea what I’m talking about with the conflict oriented stuff I write, and what I call chipmunk.
I hear voices. They are best described as auditory hallucinations. Sometimes they’re identifiable. Sometimes they’re words in my thoughts that don’t have sound, they don’t belong there, and they’re clearly someone else’s words.
I have called them a psychic phenomenon. I believe these are real people. They sometimes identify themselves. Sometimes I can hear who they are. Almost always they lie about their identity. They are always consistently wrong about people I know. They attempt to be identified as these people for a variety of reasons, but mostly to try to establish credibility because they have none and to attempt to manipulate.
I always tell the voices I will not accept them trying to do that.
I call the voices chipmunk because they sound squeaky, clown car because it’s one after another, and douchebag because they’re intrusive and self satisfied losers.
The reality is that the attempts to manipulate are trying to control me or lure me into doing something for reasons they are never honest about.
The voices are abusive, hostile, immature, and nonstop nonsense. They are factually wrong about everything. They lie about their motives, their information, their coordination with each other, and people that I know are not how the voices describe them.
The voices constantly attempt to indicate they are interfering in my life or are people I would want to have input from. They do this for a variety of reasons but it comes down to stupidity and probably people just wasting their time who have nothing better to do.
Sometimes they describe this as entertainment. They say they watch me either through their computer, or that they experience the same phenomenon I do in their head, and they see me remotely. I don’t know what that is like. I do sometimes see people doing things, and I can sometimes hear their thoughts.
I have the ability to give them words I make them say. I can also give them thoughts, or make them do things.
I sometimes smell or feel things that are also psychic.
The voices are real people behaving badly.
a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist.
synonyms: intellectual, scholar, sage, philosopher, thinker, wise/learned person
People have asked me about the choice of the word savant for my Facebook page.
I'll put it this way. Genius doesn't cover it. I'm beyond that.
Savant indicates epic level wisdom in an area that also accompanies a deficit.
My savant is people.
I can see your soul at a glance. I can write and speak words on every day topics that make you stand with applause. I can talk you under the table with logic. I can explain the universe in a few words. I can make science deliciously funny, 12 hours in the brisket lab with a pbr. I have done it all with technology, and I can take you into the future. I am fluent in music and film that people resonate with, but can't remember why. I think things that happen because I think them. I can change your words in your mouth. I know what to tell you to freak you out or calm you. I can describe you to yourself in ways you know but never knew.
I'll need your help to meet a girl.
~ Andy ~ Village Savant ~ The Smartest Guy On the Planet