The Visit: a nail-biting psychological thriller

The Visit: a nail-biting psychological thriller
by Robert W. Kirby
Her ex is hellbent on destroying her. How far will she go to stop him?
Vanessa and Curtis have just moved to an idyllic house in the seaside town of Whitstable. Their life there is wonderful, until Vanessa’s ex-boyfriend Hayden shows up out of the blue.
Hayden is not only brash and unpredictable with a warped sense of humour, he also seems intent on making life very difficult for Vanessa, who hasn't seen him since she was sixteen.
As Hayden causes more and more disruption in their lives, Curtis begins to realise that he has some kind of bizarre hold on Vanessa.
And when she suggests a plan to remove Hayden from their lives forever, Curtis becomes convinced she's hiding some big secret from her past.
But has Vanessa underestimated how dangerous and unpredictable Hayden is? How far will he go to get what he wants? And how far will she go to stop her perfect life from being destroyed?
The Visit is a gripping psychological thriller with satisfying twists and turns that will keep readers enthralled till the very end.