The Revenge Paradox

The Revenge Paradox
by Regina Buttner
“Deception, family drama, and more secrets than I could count permeate the pages of this gritty portrait of an untapped slice of Americana.” –Dan McDowell, award-winning author of When She Comes Knocking
Revenge has a way of backfiring sometimes.
College dropout-turned-Amazon reseller Rudy Hodgens vows revenge when his parents evict him for refusing to get a real job and generally being a slacker. If it weren't for his friend Fudgie offering him a place to crash, he'd be on the street. Good thing he stole his stepfather's gun before he moved out.
Rudy thinks he's onto a promising new business venture when he sells the gun to a shady acquaintance who’s eager for as much illicit merchandise as Rudy can supply. Plus there's Laci, the alluring pink-haired girl he recently met at the bus stop. They begin dating, and Laci persuades Rudy to return to school. All of a sudden, life's looking up.
But the stolen gun triggers a chain of events that threaten to derail Rudy's newfound happiness, and his desire for vengeance takes a violent turn. Only Laci can save him from his worst impulses, but there's a catch—Laci's secretly out for revenge too, and Rudy's standing in her way.