THE MASTER LIST: 222 Magnificent Books for Body, Mind & Spirit

THE MASTER LIST: 222 Magnificent Books for Body, Mind & Spirit
by Joyful Life Mastery
Never run out of inspiring reading material!
Welcome to the curated Master List of New Thought, New Age, Spiritual, Law of Attraction & Manifesting books recommended by the online manifesting community around the world!
There are millions of books out there in the market…are you confused about which books might actually be helpful or a great read?
The Master List is a compilation of REAL reader recommendations from hundreds of threads in exclusive social media groups - with approx. 500,000 members in total! Readers actively search for peer-suggestions and now the Master List provides a single place to find this.
In this Kindle version, you have all 222 books listed on the go for your convenience. And even better, you can select and order books from categories!
- If you love to browse for whatever calls out to your soul, visit The Master List – Alpha section to review the full listing.
- If you're looking for the best intro books, planners or full-on manifesting books, select from the Manifesting, Law of Attraction Books and Planners section and get started on your manifesting journey today!
- Are you looking for LOVE? If you want to deep dive into love and appreciation, visit the Love, Self-Love and Relationships category.
- Are you a big fan of affirmations and mindset or want to learn how to visualize more effectively? Visit the Mind Power, Visualization and Affirmations category for powerful daily rituals.
- Do you need a dose of soothing and inspiring wisdom? Visit the Spiritual, Inspirational and New Age books category and feel better faster so you can enjoy your life!
- Are you fascinated by how The Law of Attraction teachings developed in the turn of the century? Explore the Classic New Thought section.
- Are you having some health challenges or want to get fitter and healthier in a holistic way? Select from the Diet, Health and Wellness section and plan your way back to vibrant health!
- Do you love to soak in alternative wisdom? Visit the Channeled category to discover the teachings of Abraham Hicks, and more!
- Are you struggling financially? Are you desperate to power up more wealth and abundance into your life? Visit the Wealth, Money, Abundance and Prosperity section for phenomenal works!
- Are you curious about the hereafter? Visit the Afterlife section for both mystical and psychological experience book recommendations!
Download the Master List instantly! Because now you will always have easy access to these life-changing books.
Imagine powering through your day and uplifting your life starting now!