The Mantle (Shaman States of America: The South Book 1)

The Mantle (Shaman States of America: The South Book 1)
by W.T. Meadows et al
To protect our tradition, and those that cannot defend themselves, those families of the Hunt that produce three children of the same sex - born or chosen - those children are pressed, upon threat of expulsion and exposure, to join the Hunt.
- The Spencer Doctrine, founding law of the Shaman States of America.
Stefen and Maria Mauer were the fiercest and most famed Hunters in Tennessee.
Until a lethal hunt left one man dead and Stefen without his legs.
They left the Hunt and never looked back.
18 years later, their son Edward gets news from home - his mother is pregnant with twins.
Three siblings of the same gender means they all have to Hunt or face monsters coming to their door.
He wasn’t raised in the Hunt, and no real desire to enter it.
But Edward begins to see what life would be like if he takes up the mantle of the Hunters before him.
Is he ready?