The Joy Of Imperfection

The Joy Of Imperfection
by Damon Zahariades
Are you a perfectionist? Is your perfectionism causing you to feel stressed, irritated, and chronically unhappy?
"Perfectionism is just fear in really good shoes." - Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love)
What if you could silence your inner critic and eliminate your fear of failure? How might these two simple changes improve your life?
Imagine being able to take action without the fear of self-criticism. Imagine no longer feeling paralyzed with indecision. Imagine finally letting go of your perfectionism, and feeling confident, enthusiastic, and inspired.
Amazon bestselling author, Damon Zahariades, offers a stimulating, thought-provoking guide that'll help you to overcome your perfectionistic tendencies and enjoy a more rewarding life. He'll take you, step by step, through a complete action plan designed to reverse your compulsion to be perfect. The tactics described in THE JOY OF IMPERFECTION have been used by thousands of people to silence their inner critics, embrace imperfection, and live without fear of others' disapproval.
These tactics can produce the same results for you.
DOWNLOAD The Joy Of Imperfection: A Stress-Free Guide To Silencing Your Inner Critic, Conquering Perfectionism, and Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself!
In THE JOY OF IMPERFECTION, you'll discover:
- why you pursue perfection in the first place
- how your perfectionism compels you to avoid taking risks
- the harmful effect of negative self-talk (and how to stop it cold)
- why perfectionism encourages procrastination
- how perfectionism dampens your creativity (and how to reverse the effect)
- why you have difficulty adapting to changing circumstances
- how to tell whether your perfectionism is out of control
- why your expectations may be at the heart of the problem
- how to challenge your inner critic (and win every time!)
- why your personal and professional growth is at risk
- a simple way to use gamification to beat your perfectionism
- how to use a popular productivity hack to control your perfectionism
- 18 exercises designed to help you squash your perfectionistic behavior
- Grab your copy of THE JOY OF IMPERFECTION today to finally muzzle your inner critic, leave fear behind, and become the best version of yourself!
Scroll to the top of the page and click the "BUY NOW" button!