The Journey to Source

The Journey to Source
by Maria Kitsios
The Journey to Source
May the poetry in this book serve as a reminder that we are visitors here.
One day each of us will let go of everything and everyone we love.
It is this powerful and humbling truth which makes us truly appreciate life.
Let us use this life as the grandest opportunity
to explore, strengthen, heal, grow, love, give, create,
and courageously forge ahead in service to others.
Heart first always in connection to Source.
Delve within and answer the necessary questions:
- Who am I?
- What is the meaning of life?
- Why am I here?
Let the answers which arise manifest as your legacy to this world.
Each book is composed of poems which discuss matters of one specific chakra.
In yoga practice, we usually begin from the root chakra (grounding) and elevate to the crown chakra (en-lighten-ment).
However, I decided to begin with the crown chakra and work my way downwards.
It is the last and highest of the chakras, the one most associated with the metaphysical, spiritual realm.
This is done to honor all those who have physically left this world, yet are still present and connected to us.
The Chakra System
According to the Vedas (ancient Indian sacred texts), the physical body is composed of seven main energy or vortex centers called chakras.
Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel.
The seven main chakras run along the spine-beginning from the root and ending with the crown chakra.
- 1 Root
- 2 Sacral
- 3 Solar plexus
- 4 Heart
- 5 Throat
- 6 Third eye
- 7 Crown
Each chakra has a different color, element, sound, mantra, function, location, major organ, and association.
The flow or blockage/imbalance of subtle energy in each chakra determines the health or disease of the individual body.
Crown Chakra information:
Sanskrit name: Sahasrara
Color: Violet, gold, and white
Element: Thought and consciousness
Sound: Om
Mantra: “I Know”
Practice: Sitting meditation
Function: Understanding
Location: Top of the head
Organ: Cerebral cortex and the central nervous system
Associations: Faith, courage, spirituality, connection, and selflessness
Dysfunctions when imbalanced: Depression, apathy, confusion, insomnia, sensitivity to light and sound, memory loss, boredom, and mental disorders.