The Heart's Journey (Chakra Themed Poetry Series Book 4)

The Heart's Journey (Chakra Themed Poetry Series Book 4)
by Maria Kitsios
The Heart's Journey
May the poetry in this book serve as a reminder to remain humble and kind towards all beings.
Embody divine, deep, and unconditional Love for self and others.
Openly give of yourself to the rest of the world.
Smile more, forgive often, and let go of wrongdoings.
Tune into your heart's rhythm to understand your life's purpose.
Always stay true to your heart's desire.
Follow the sacred path of the heart to answer the necessary questions:
- Who am I?
- What is the meaning of life?
- Why am I here?
Let the answers which arise manifest as your legacy to this world.
The Heart's Journey is the fourth of the seven poetry books series. It is composed of poems with topics related to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the fourth chakra. It is the one associated with compassion, trust, forgiveness, ability to receive and give love to self and others.
The Chakra System
According to the Vedas (ancient Indian sacred texts), the physical body is composed of seven main energy or vortex centers called chakras. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel.The seven main chakras run along the spine-beginning from the root and ending with the crown chakra.
- 1 Root
- 2 Sacral
- 3 Solar plexus
- 4 Heart
- 5 Throat
- 6 Third eye
- 7 Crown
Each chakra has a different color, element, sound, mantra, function, location, major organ, and association. The flow or blockage/imbalance of subtle energy in each chakra determines the health or disease of the individual body.
Heart Chakra information:
Sanskrit name: Anahata
Color: Green
Element: Air
Sound: Yam
Mantra: "I Love"
Practice: Gratitude meditation
Function: Compassion, love, healing, connection to self and others, and the bridge between the lower (physical) and higher (spiritual) chakras
Location: Center of the chest
Organ: Heart, pericardium, lungs, diaphragm, arms, shoulders, and ribs
Dysfunctions when imbalanced: Depression, isolation, loathing, holding on to resentment, repressed grief, loneliness, self-centeredness, lack of self-love, high blood pressure, heart attack, asthma, and lung cancer.