The Hawks of Kamalon

The Hawks of Kamalon
by Michael Reisig
The Hawks of Kamalon is an amalgam of gripping science fiction and wonderful storytelling, with imagery that becomes more believable with each page.
A small squadron of British and American aircraft depart at dawn on a long-range strike into Germany, but as they cross the English Channel, the squadron vanishes.
Drawn thousands of light-years across the galaxy by Kamalon's "Sensitive Mothers," ten men and eight aircraft are greeted by a roaring crowd in a field before the provincial capitol, on the continent of Azra; a land in desperate need of champions.
Captain Ross Murdock and the '51 Squadron are cast into a whirlwind adventure of intrigue, treachery, and romance as they are "culled" back and forth across the universe, outwitting and outrunning the Germans, while they attempt to foil the invasion of Azra by the neighboring continent of Krete.
The Hawks of Kamalon is a heart-hammering adventure in the classic tradition of Robert Heinlein, but it also examines the parameters of faith and friendship, the qualities that define civilization, and the width and depth of spirit.
"Every chapter crackles with suspense-jammed, hard-hitting action. Combines memorable characters, exhilarating plot twists, and perpetual motion narrative" -- Richard Noone, Author of 5/5/2000
"Reisig presents the everlasting battle between good and evil in a past/present future fable -- and the raging battle is familiar, hopeless, and yet redeeming. Excellent!" -- Jim Nicholas, editor of The Daily Record, Ark.
"Spellbinding; sensitivity, passion and romance -- Michael Reisig is a master of originality." -- Barbara Rogers, Arkansas River Valley Writers Association