The Gym-Less Workout

The Gym-Less Workout
by Milo Kemp
Do you want to get an athletic body without going to the gym even if no other workout routine has worked for you before? Well with only 18% of gym users going consistently, chances are you do.
Have your results at the gym plateaued? Have you failed at other gym workouts? Or are you even intimidated by the gym?
Because there is a secret no gym wants you to know; you can get the body you want without paying for a gym!
With $558 million being wasted on unused gym memberships last year it is no surprise they do not want you to know.
We have probably all been through it, after starting out at the gym and making quick progress your results soon started to stagnate.
You feel like you’re stuck there spending your entire evening travelling to the gym to work out where you are surrounded by huge muscular guys, sweaty equipment and loads of machines half of which you have never used.
On top of that you are not seeing any gains, you think “what am I paying for?”.
But you have no other choice if you want a ripped body than to go to the gym, right?
Well there is an old workout style that is getting newfound popularity for its fun, environmental and free approach to working out and…………the results speak for themselves.
You will be able to quit the gym and never look back.
In this book you will receive:
- The new fitness style getting amazing results without the gym
- Learn the key movements used and how to build them up
- Discover secrets on how to progress the right way
- Discover a professional routine devised to get you the best results
- Find actionable steps clearly laid out to short cut your learning curve
- Discover what simple things are holding you back from your fitness goals
- Tips from an industry expert on how to avoid mistakes everyone falls into
- Discover the right form for each exercise to avoid injuring yourself
- Discover a community of readers exactly like you!
This style of training has turned my clients from not being able to support their own bodyweight to performing 20+ pullups without breaking a sweat!
If you are still doubting me, it is probably because no other gym workout has worked for you or how are you going to commit to this when you barely use your gym membership.
But remember this is not the gym.
You do not have to travel anywhere; you do not have to pay for anything and when you finish you can hop straight in your own shower and into your pyjamas. What do you have to lose?