The Girl in the Scarlet Chair: A Mystery and Spiritual Romance Novel (City of Affection - Book 1)

The Girl in the Scarlet Chair: A Mystery and Spiritual Romance Novel (City of Affection - Book 1)
by Janice Tremayne
When an evils chair's only desire is to prosper from the negative thoughts of doomed relationships—will Clarisse be willing to trade her mind for a premonition of love?
They don't have the safety of distance to rely upon—only five days to decide if they are made for each other before Harry leaves back home—or will the mysterious scarlet chair decide their fate?
She was unlucky in love, recently separated and desperately searching for the man of her dreams. For Clarisse, life became so lonely that she fell in love with his picture. For Harry, recently divorced— it carried risk and uncertainty?
In this heart-rending search for passion, he travels to the city of our affection (Manila) to meet Clarisse—a woman of immense beauty and problematic past.In this journey of cross-cultural love, Harry leaves his western-centric norms behind. He is immersed in the city of affection—vibrant, alive, bustling and enjoying the pleasure of being. But will Clarisse have the courage to tell him everything—past secrets, fears, and inhibition.She has never dated a foreign man before, and how will this relationship play out?
The Girl in the Scarlet Chair is the first book in the City of Affection mystery and spiritual romance series by Janice Tremayne. The three-part series takes you on a heart-rending, mystery and spiritual romantic experience. Love is not straightforward in the city of affection—shrouded in old family superstition and tragic tales, there are no shortcuts to an enduring relationship, and love becomes a test of fortitude and devotion. There is constant negative energy at play that threatens to destroy relationships before they can grow into altars of love. For those bold enough to travel to the city of affection in search of everlasting happiness—difficult challenges await.Each book in the series will immerse you in a different long-distance relationship, their challenges and a unique storyline.
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