The Firejack War: Book I

The Firejack War: Book I
by P.L. Smith
Lethan finds himself in the village where not two weeks before he feasted on one of their children. Now he's there to ask for help.
Lethan is a lycan, probably the last.
Getting involved in a pathetic skirmish between the beasts of the forest and the Firejacks is the last thing he wants to do. But someone he used to call his friend forces his hand and Lethan must become involved. The beasts of the forest need help and the village is their only hope. So he goes.
Lethan wakes bruised and dangling from a tree, awaiting his execution. But as luck would have it there is someone in the village that believes in him- a young girl who rescues him from certain death. So Lethan is forced to join in with this annoying nuisance that he would just as soon eat as look at, and ends up on a path that will test his every last ounce of courage and resolve in order to stop the Firejacks from destroying his home.