The Dark Monolith: Heroes of Ravenford Book 3

The Dark Monolith: Heroes of Ravenford Book 3
by F.P. Spirit
“They’ll be able to make… golems that haven’t been seen… since the Thrall Masters walked the earth…” Tevlar’s corpse warned.
A hundred and fifty years have passed since the Thrall Masters nearly destroyed the land of Thac. Now the secret to their terrifying power has been found and the Serpent Cult is after it.
To stop them, Glolindir and friends must seek out an ancient monolith hidden somewhere in the depths of the mysterious Darkwoods. Yet first they must deal with accusations of treason. They have been branded traitors and must prove themselves in trial by combat or be banished forever.
From the tournament fields of Ravenford Keep to the depths of the Darkwoods, the young heroes face deadly traps, fierce monsters, and cunning demons. Can they reach the Dark Monolith before the cult? And if so, what terrifying magical force awaits them there?
Enter a world of magic and adventure in this fun tale of heroes in the making. Perfect for fans of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Dungeons & Dragons.
"I've read all three books, and I must say the story just gets more intriguing. Full of an action-packed storyline, with epic heroes, great story development and great in-depth characters. This is not a series you want to miss! " - Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★
"Awesome action and adventure packed. Could not put it down. Was late back to work from lunch break because of it." - Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★
"The depth of story and the characters is getting better and better with each book! I LOVE this series!" - Goodreads Reviewer ★★★★★
"Epic fantasy has long captured the imaginations of readers and this third episode stands up to the test. If you like playing Dungeons and Dragons or just enjoyed reading the exploits of fantasy heroes in Lord of the Rings, then you will love reading this one." - Author Dianne Rapp ★★★★★