The Braintrust Complete Series Omnibus

The Braintrust Complete Series Omnibus
by Marc Stiegler
Does real life emulate fiction? Or does fiction emulate real life?
All five books of the BrainTrust examine topics ripped from today’s headlines: Pandemic, Global Economic Meltdown, Deportation. How closely will the world follow the BrainTrust script?
Long ago, the President for Life expelled all foreign engineers from Silicon Valley. They moved to…
The BrainTrust:
A fleet of immense cruise liners jammed with teams seeking the next great breakthrough
A locus freed of bureaucracy and autocracy, a thorn in the side of every dirtside power.
A home for creativity where no problem is unsolvable, but no crisis is as simple as it seems.
A clean, well-lighted place for … ferocious commando assaults, and desperate copter combat.
The Heroines:
Dash: the plucky mad scientist.
Ping: the bouncy itty bitty ninja with the Real Big Gun.
Jam: the quiet, resilient commando with the grace of a dancer.
The Frightening Fact: A little too much of it is coming true.
The Genres: near-future hard sf techno-thriller with a helping of political satire. If you can’t laugh about your favorite politician, journey elsewhere.
Otherwise, Come Aboard the BrainTrust.
Every book a Prometheus Award nominee.
If you like Robert Heinlein, Michael Crichton, Charles Stross, or Ayn Rand, buy your ticket and come aboard.