The Book of the Lord: The great revelation before the final harvest

The Book of the Lord: The great revelation before the final harvest
by J. Z.
Two thousand years of waiting is over. The great revelation of the Lord is here to answer all fundamental questions of the humanity. The mystery of the Kingdom of God and the truth of life are presented to you fully and clearly for the first time ever:
Why are you here? The purpose of the universe and humanity. Everything you want to know about God’s Project Earth.
Who are you? The soul, the spirit, and the body. The trinity mechanism of an earthly human life.
Who is Lord Jesus Christ? The truth about the Holy Trinity of the Creator.
Where are you from? The truth about space, multi-dimensional universes, the Spiritual Realm, and the Realm of the Dead.
Where will you go? The harvest, the salvation, and the future life in the Kingdom of Freedom.
How can you live in the truth of God? Finding divine love in the ending times.
How do you make the covenant of life with God? The specific path to your eternal life and happiness.
Welcome to the Kingdom of God.
About the author: I am J.Z., an accountant living in sunny Southern California, America. I am an impossible candidate for this impossible mission. Yet God can make anything possible. Numerous people have been called by the Lord to accomplish their missions. I am just another person following in their footsteps. The method of the Lord does not leave much room for elaboration: The Lord called us, and we answered. It is simply the way.
When the Lord called me, I didn’t know who it was. Heaven and hell, to me, existed only in the daydreams of poets like Dante and Milton. I have visited a church a dozen times, and that’s all there is to say about Christianity and me. The Lord has been patient with me. It took me almost five years to know who it really was and it took me even longer to understand his love, even though he has been protecting me and providing for me my entire life. In a dream in summer 2015, he showed me a golden scroll in his hand and told me to write a new Scripture for today’s people. He wished to reveal himself in plain words for the first time. Thus, my work began. In early summer of 2017, I found the way to deliver his message: All I had to do was to allow his words to appear in my mind and write them down as quickly as I could. This challenging task lasted for eight months. The hardest thing I have ever done, but it is worthwhile.
A book in his words. The final gift to mankind before the salvation is accomplished.
My fellow souls on Earth, please read The Book of the Lord.