The Alpha Female: Who is She? Who Should She Date? How Can You Become One?

The Alpha Female: Who is She? Who Should She Date? How Can You Become One?
by Gregg Michaelsen
The Alpha Woman
Who is She? Who Should She Date? How do You Become One?
Alpha women are wonderfully beautiful and confident women who are often misunderstood. An alpha woman finds success in many things, is a cheerleader for those around her, and is someone most people want to be around, and yet, these women struggle to find happiness in their romantic relationships.
Why is that?
Because they’re seeking out the wrong men! Alpha women are drawn to alpha men and vice versa, but this pairing often doesn’t work. Often, a beta male would be her better fit.
Talia Goldstein, founder and CEO of matchmaking company, Three Day Rule, conducted her own study of alpha females and their dating preferences with interesting results.
In her study, eighty-one percent of the women she studied self-identified as alpha females and dismissed the idea of dating a beta male, feeling they wanted another alpha who was equal to them in power and personality. The study also showed that seventy-three percent of those women rejected a beta male after the first date because he didn’t follow up. Clearly a misunderstanding of the beta.
When these alpha women gave their beta male companions a second chance, their odds of finding happiness significantly increased!
In this book, you will learn what characterizes alpha women, alpha men, and beta men. You’ll also find many beta man myths debunked. Beta men are as misunderstood as alpha women, but you’ll learn all about them here!
You’ll also uncover how to find a relationship that’s right for you, whether it’s with an alpha or beta man. If you want an alpha, you’ll discover how to make that work, and if you think a beta man is better for you, you’ll learn how to make that work too.
This book digs into the Female Led Relationship. Here you’ll discover what a beta man expects from his alpha woman and how he can truly be the perfect man for her.
If you feel you’re not an alpha, and you desire to be one, you’ll also find tips on how you can become more of an alpha women.
This book is for you if you’ve struggled to find happiness in your relationships. Men might find you too powerful and intimidating.
It’s for you if you’re frustrated with the dating scene while every other part of your life is smooth sailing.
Don’t give up who you are at your core. Instead, learn how to date these types of men. Your happiness could be just one beta man away!