Surrogate of Betrayal

Surrogate of Betrayal
by Eric Redmon
It was the war that caused Nate to hold his own brother’s face in the crosshairs of his sniper rifle. How could any man be put in that position? He truly loved his only brother. Surrogate of Betrayal is a saga of duty, devotion, and love that follows three soldiers as they are enlisted by a country that will turn its back on them. Three go to war in Vietnam, but only two return. After running away for years, it was past time for Nate to tell his brother’s grandson, Jeff, what he had done. Step into the line of fire and live with them to see the battles waged even after coming home. Share with them as their families rally to their defense. Live through the joys and the tears as Redmon’s characters portray the reality of war and the casualties it takes on mind and soul. Turn the pages to step into their boots and walk with them where no one should ever have to go.