Stubborn Love

Stubborn Love
by Wendy Owens
I thought twenty-three would be the year I reclaimed my identity. Ashton decided to give me a new one. Widow. A woman so cold she could drive her husband to suicide. - Stubborn Love
When Emmie Hayes’ life is rocked by tragedy, she heads to New York City in hopes of finding herself again, but second chances aren’t easy for a Stubborn Heart. The real question isn't if she can find love again, but more if she can warm the chill that has surrounded her heart.
Author Interview:
Question: What made you want to write Stubborn Love?
Wendy: For me, I didn't set out with a goal to write an inspirational romance. In fact I had never even heard of New Adult until I started writing this story. Sometimes the story we write though it exactly what we need to and though I'd never written contemporary romance before, it was the story that needed to be told. I dealt with a lot of baggage from a previous relationship in my own life and Stubborn Love was a way for me to work through those demons.
Question: What's your favorite message in the book?
Wendy: Learning to forgive let go of the past. You can never hope for a second chance if you're still holding onto the past. That's why I made Emmie hold on so tight, even to the point where you want to strangle her sometimes.
Question: Why New York?
Wendy: The life I thought I wanted, until I found the one I needed, was in New York. They say write what you know, and I know the lure of New York City.
Question: Why would you include this in Kindle Unlimited?
Wendy: I said before this was my first romance novel. As this series progressed I feel like the storylines each grew deeper. By including Stubborn Love in Kindle Unlimited I hope new readers will give my work a try at no risk, and if they are entertained, then perhaps they will allow me to move them more by checking out the rest of the series.
Question: Will there ever be more books in the series?
Wendy: I have an outline for a story, but we will have to see what the readers want. If they want more, I am happy to give it to them.