Some Mistakes of Darwin and a Programmer's Theory of Life

Some Mistakes of Darwin and a Programmer's Theory of Life
by Daniel G. Vintner
★★★★★ "Imaginative, thought-provoking, and incredibly thorough!" - Reader Review
★★★★★ Literary Titan Gold Book Award September 2022
The evolution debate has been raging on the outskirts of academia for two centuries, and the sides have never been further apart than they are now.
“Science versus religion” and “evolution versus creationism” was what the audience heard for a long time.
In the twentieth century God was brought down into the fighting pits of scientific society, and for the longest time it seemed he had lost the fight for good.
In recent times, though, God has put his gloves back on and seems to have managed to insert himself back into the debate.
- Or has he?
- Has anything really changed in this debate?
- Did evolution change, or science, or God himself?
- What is true from the grandiose claims of those who claim to have resurrected God by virtue of their arguments?
- And what truth is there in the words of the scientists who claim to have buried him?
Some Mistakes of Darwin goes back to the beginning and verifies the claims made by Darwin and his successors.
This book travels from the birth of genetics and molecular biology, through the advances in software engineering, to the far ends of space and time and beyond, arguing from science, not from scripture, for a new theory of life.
So grab your copy of Mistakes of Darwin, and gain insight into the world's most pertinent questions of our existence!