

by Robert Epperson

“The delusions weakened momentarily, leaving a foothold for self-doubt, and as my confidence waned, I felt that I had done something very wrong. Jennifer and I were in the situation together at that point, and whatever the situation was I could not exactly be sure. What felt real to me, though, was that I was a fugitive on the run, and Jennifer was my hostage."

Robert Epperson walks alone in a new post- college life, one that offers immense freedom from lifelong shackles. But Epperson harshly recoils from a whirlwind of drastic change.

Disoriented by the sudden intensity of a perfect storm, he crosses a psychological threshold.

Epperson’s mind lifts him to new heights of glory. He is compelled to embark on a mission to become the chosen savior he believes himself to be.

In need of a sidekick, Epperson hits the open highway with Jennifer, the girl he fell for during their final semester together in college. Little do they know where the road - or their love - will take them.

What lies ahead is Epperson’s heroic adventure to reunite with a lost self by learning to trust Jennifer, the mental health system, and the wisdom of the guardians who anchor Epperson’s past.

S O F T B E L L Y is a gripping coming-of-age true story of how the tragic and taboo ruin of a young man guides him to use his gut so that he can begin to build a life on his own terms.



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