Sin Walks Into The Desert

Sin Walks Into The Desert
by Matt Ingwalson
"A sterling achievement, featuring an ultracool protagonist." - Kirkus Reviews
Sin gets a late night call from la Calavera. She's an ex-federal agent living on half a lung in a retirement home near the border. And she says el Viejo is missing.
This is el Viejo she's talking about. Diabetes and arthritis may have the old man in a rocking chair now, but in his day he was the baddest of snipers and the bravest of private eyes. He also saved Sin's life, back when the boy was a 12 year old punk hellbent on shooting up the school bus with his daddy's .357.
So Sin heads off to find his mentor, only to find a nest of killers with ancient vendettas waiting for him in the desert with the kingsnakes and coyotes.