Sickened: How the Government Ruined Healthcare and How to Fix It

Sickened: How the Government Ruined Healthcare and How to Fix It
by Shawn Needham RPh
~ 67% of families are very worried or somewhat worried about the ability to afford
unexpected medical bills for them or their family.
~ 1 in 3 GoFundMe campaigns are medical fundraisers.
~ 57% received a bill they thought would be covered by insurance.
~ 53% are worried about affording their health insurance deductible.
~ Over 40% are worried about affording prescription drugs.
Changing health care is weighing heavily on the average American’s hearts and minds today. In the quest for cheap healthcare, they’re wondering if purchasing private health insurance is the answer? Healthcare in America is stressful to deal with, ineffective in getting to the root of the problem, and inefficient in health care delivery in United States.
In Sickened: How the Government Ruined Healthcare and How to Fix It, we’ll take a look at…
Ch 1 ~ The Day That Changed Everything
Learn about the pivotal moment in author & compounding pharmacist, Shawn, & his wife, Janet’s career that hit them like a 2x4 and what they decided to take a stand for.
Ch 2 ~ The Problem Today
There’s so much noise about changing health care, but what’s the truth? We’ll sift through the latest stats, updated for 2020, taking a look at costs, trends, and the most alarming, killer trend today.
Ch 3 ~ Look Back to Move Forward
We’ll take a look at 4 monumental milestones in our nation’s history and how they specifically shaped our current heatlh care solutions . We can only move forward by 1st looking back!
Ch 4 ~ What Happens If We Don’t Make Different Choices?
Sure, we all want cheap healthcare, but are we on track? What will happen if we don’t all commit to a change in health care and health care delivery in United States in 2020?
Ch 5 ~ Imagine a World Where…
So, what’s possible with healthcare in America? What would a dream story look like? Here we create a crystal clear picture with some fun humor.
Ch 6 ~ Shawn’s Solution
Learn Shawn’s 6-Step framework for health care solutions. Practical, proven, common sense, with a twist, and jaw dropping patient and provider stories alike, are shared!
Ch 7 ~ YOU Are the Hero
Is changing health care really a pipe dream or is it doable for the average American today? This is the most exciting time to be a problem solving, solution focused, health care entrepreneur today and in the coming 20+ years. There IS a better way & hope to #ThinkOutsideTheSystem because #OptimalHealthMatters.
Join the Movement.