Shutting Out the Sun: A Chris Johnson Thriller – Book 4 (The Chris Johnson Series)

Shutting Out the Sun: A Chris Johnson Thriller – Book 4 (The Chris Johnson Series)

by Stiles Hillier

How’s this for an idea – read this book as part one and the earlier books as prequel?
Here’s all you need to know to get started. Chris Johnson is an unwilling badass. He’s had to fight himself into and out of hundreds of dangerous situations. He’s been a hitman and chased by hitmen. He’s worked for the CIA and been hunted by the CIA. He’s been tortured, beaten and shot – multiple times. And returned the favor.
Currently he’s feeling a little old for all this. Let’s face it, badassery is a young guy’s game. So he’s gone to ground in Nebraska, off the grid and living on a stipend from a satisfied client. But things never quite go right for long for Johnson, and wouldn’t you know it, things go badly wrong.
Forced to make an unscheduled withdrawal from the bank, under fire, he discovers that his satisfied client has been kidnapped, and he has no more money. Penniless, and convinced to track down and save this client by an old friend, he is off and running. Shooting his way from Bangkok to Paris and Istanbul, with a short layover in the Syrian desert, he slowly discovers the truth.
The truth has never been good to Johnson, but when he finally works out what’s going on, you know he’ll make somebody pay the ultimate price for their deception.



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