Setting Sail for Golden Harbor: A Humorous Memoir About the Final Years of Life

Setting Sail for Golden Harbor: A Humorous Memoir About the Final Years of Life
by John Vance
“If life must not be taken too seriously--then so neither must death.” The Victorian author Samuel Butler surely had it right. Why should there be any shame or hesitation in recalling the humorous moments provided by aging parents during the final miles of a life’s journey, especially when the humor in no way diminishes the affection and respect felt for a loved one? This book is about the author’s mother Nan and the moments, events, and utterances that made her simply unforgettable to those who knew and loved her. In this memoir, which speaks to all of us who have experienced the challenges posed by aging parents, laughter serves not only as an antidote to depressing reality but also reminds us that the deceased has lived, has amused, has warmed our hearts, and will remain alive through the memories of words said and actions taken during the final period of life.