Samarkand Dawn

Samarkand Dawn
by Graham Diamond
Behind the bloody walls of the palace, Samarkand’s ruthless new ruler, the great Khan, controls the city with force and depravity.
His sons, each one more foul than the next, support him: the swaggering Khalkali, the drug-addicted Mufiqua, the deformed Tupol. But each son would prefer to rule in the Khan's place.
Treachery, deceit and lechery are rife within the palace.
And far below, deep within the catacombs, a shrouded figure plans to use that dissension for the downfall of nine men. It is the Princess Sharon, once heir to the throne.
She has been transformed by the Khan’s cruelty into an avenging angel. And she has also been transformed, by the hidden secrets of the hill tribesmen, into a devil sorceress.
The princess will have her revenge.
None will stand in her way…