Revenge of the Vegetarian: A Humorous Spin on the World of Vegetarianism

Revenge of the Vegetarian: A Humorous Spin on the World of Vegetarianism
Written by a passionate vegetarian, "Revenge of the Vegetarian" is an amusing, irreverent, and often hilarious book that covers a range of topics about vegetarianism and the meat-eating culture. The author has his tongue firmly planted in cheek, while taking humorous jabs at a variety of easy targets. Get a silly lesson on how to deal with meat eaters in social situations. Read surprisingly funny interviews with famous dead vegetarians such as Gandhi, Socrates, and Ben Franklin. You'll even get a comical look at how the English language would change if an overly zealous vegetarian politician got his way. The book also poses a lot of "what ifs." What if there was a "Vegetarian Olympics"? What if vegetarians ruled the country? And what would a vegetarian horoscope tell you about your future? Also you'll learn some laughable techniques meat eaters can use to more easily quit their carnivorous habit. "Revenge" pokes fun at vegetarians, vegans, liberals and conservatives. But it pokes the most fun at meat eaters. This short entertaining book is ideal for any vegetarian or vegetarian wannabe with a sense of humor. Some adult language. Since not everyone has the same sense of humor, we recommend you read a few pages of the "Look Inside" preview before ordering.