Reflective Awareness: Experience Life to the Fullest

Reflective Awareness: Experience Life to the Fullest
by Elizabeth Cook
Are you so worn out from taking care of everyone else that you’ve forgotten how to take care of yourself?
We each have multiple, all-consuming roles in life: hard worker, parent, significant other, friend, social organizer. It can seem that different people want parts of you at any time of the day, sometimes simultaneously—these demands can be endless. In the midst of trying to meet all of these needs, you can quickly become overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, or exhausted.
If you are exhausted from being stretched too thin for too long, discover how Reflective Awareness offers you hope for taking control of your life, beginning with changing yourself. A new outlook and positive habits will empower you to transform your life and experience the full, successful living you’ve longed for. It’s possible!