Quantum Cannibals (Stories from the Milky Way Book 1)

Quantum Cannibals (Stories from the Milky Way Book 1)
by Nathan Elberg
"A terrific story, told by a gifted story-teller. Do not miss..." --Amazon review
The widow Osnat is a revered quantum scientist, religious scholar, protector of her people, ravishing beauty, and occasionally a genocidal brute. From the Bronze-Age to a dystopian post-modern era she struggles to stop the destruction of her family and tribe. In the Arctic cannibals feast on her husband. In a high-tech city, demons try to prevent her birth. In Mesopotamia a local assasin helps a zealot who promises the destruction of all non-believers.
As in Mitchell's Cloud Atlas and Huxley's Eyeless in Gaza, nested stories are woven into an astonishing whole. A hi-tech detective fights alongside her Bronze Age great, great... grandmother. A Bronze Age Mesopotamian shaman protects his teacher in the Stone Age Arctic. A Stone Age Arctic scientist is the savior of a post-modern city-state.
Quantum Cannibals draws on the author's studies of folklore, cannibalism, shamanism, Kabbalah, primitive art and communications, as well as his years of experience working for and with Native Americans.
"Set over a large span of time: from Bronze Age Mesopotamia to a Post-Modern city-state, this debut of Nathan Elberg is a dazzling expedition into a treacherous past...
Elberg's outstanding fluency when writing in various characters' voices, who are born in different time periods is instantly absorbing, and he is brilliant when it comes to developing the mythologies of different cultures and societies. He proficiently balances time travel and magic with precise historical research, complex plot, intricate worldbuilding, and top-of-the-line characterization." --Prairies Book Review
"The author pulls it all together, however, in admirable fashion through solid characterization; the sweeping mix of science, mythology, history; and precise, yet metaphor-filled writing"." --Kirkus Reviews