Power Habits

Power Habits
by Chris Luke
There are Only Two Types of Habits: The Good and the Bad
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
We are the sum of all our habits. Small habits we repeat day after day, week after week, year after year. Small habits that have turned us into who we are today and that will determine who we will become in the future. This goes for all our habits, the good ones, as well as the bad ones – from working out and reading books to smoking and boozing. This book will focus on the positive ones - habits and life lessons that will turn us into better men and women, habits that will transform our lives – real Power Habits.
Your Habits Determine Where You End Up in Life!
This book is designed to give you an exclusive insight into the minds, and habits of some of the greatest people in the history of the world. A book for aspiring entrepreneurs, students, or anyone interested to learn from the best.
- Take a close look at the peaceful habits and inspirational beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi.
- Find out how Julius Caesar seized power by taking action and not waiting for permission.
- Learn how Warren Buffet keeps emotions out of the decision making process
- Discover the one Power Habit that took the life of Jay-Z from street corner to corner office.
- Find out what Life Lesson Dennis Hopper picked up from legendary actor James Dean.
- Figure out a little known habit James Bond is using for more energy and increased testosterone.
- Take a look at one very powerful daily habit Winston Churchill picked up in the military.
- Learn why Muhammad Ali even would have been the world's greatest garbage man.
- Skyrocket Your Life By Learning 101 GREAT Habits From History’s Greatest Leaders and Thinkers!
Power Habits is a collection of 101 secrets on how to build powerful habits from men and women who have implemented them and found great success. You will learn Life Habits, Success Habits, Motivational Habits, Rich Habits, Productive Habits, Creative Habits, Fit & Healthy Habits, Social Habits and Minimalistic Habits!
The 101 Power Habits presented in this book, come from some of the greatest and most inspiring people that have ever stepped foot on this planet.
- Political leaders like Benjamin Franklin and John F. Kennedy.
- Emperors like Julius Caesar and Napoleon.
- Business icons like John D. Rockefeller and Sir Richard Branson.
- Athletes like Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali.
- Writers like Ernest Hemingway and Mark Twain
- And so many more ...
- All of them are part of an elite group of highly successful people. All of them got there by cultivating little habits that they repeated over and over again. Little habits that didn’t require any special talent, just motivation, will power, and discipline.
This book will show what is needed for you to live the good life – the life you have always dreamed of. A lifestyle 99% of your peers will never enjoy to experience, because they are too lazy to leave their comfort zones. They are too lazy to change their habits and implement new Power Habits into their lives. Not you! - These habits and life lessons will help you to get closer to your dreams. One habit at a time. 101 Power Habits will provide you with all the tools needed to unlock your potential.