New Coastal Times

New Coastal Times
by Donna Callea
Everything you never knew you wanted in a post-apocalyptic novel:
Wal-Mart residents enjoying a parking lot bonfire and sing-along.
Religious fanatics waiting for Jesus in Okeefenokee Swamp Park.
Sexed-up displaced youths enjoying each other in government-sponsored free-love communes.
References to an ungodly number of Broadway musicals.
And more. Much more. Except no ravenous zombies (sorry). Still...
It's no day at the beach when Hurricane Walter just about swallows Florida. And Walter is just the beginning, ushering in a world-wide disaster-filled era. But former reporter Mia Fine knows she doesn't have it so bad as she, her adorable doctor husband, and a quirky band of fellow travelers head for New York State. Because there's no place like home.