Mules; Masters & Mud: The Continuing Story of The Quarry Bank Runaways

Mules; Masters & Mud: The Continuing Story of The Quarry Bank Runaways
by G J Griffiths
What measures success or failure when you come from the workhouse? Mules; Masters & Mud is about what happened to our two cotton mill apprentices, the Quarry Bank runaways, during the Industrial Revolution. It tells their story as qualified young mule spinners with future hopes, and later when they are full grown. By the start of the Victorian period the fates and their ambitions would have collided. Serious events and incidents, personal and national, including the Peterloo Massacre, were about to impinge upon the lives of Thomas Priestley and Joseph Sefton. What would cause a qualified mule spinner to give up his comparatively safe job and risk failure, ridicule or destitution? Ambitious and determined working class individuals like Tommy and Joe had to carefully step through a pathway involving love and loyalty; persecution and prejudice, from within the social hierarchy of the times.