
by Mehreen Ahmed
Nalia finds herself trapped in a strange and inescapable lucid dream. Danger looms ahead for her friends. Pressured out of their homes in the Lost Winds, every step threatens them with persecution and death.
Taking a daring route on a treacherous sea, they seek asylum in a new land. Will they make it to their destination? Will Nalia’s dream of finding peace in Draviland become the utopia that she desperately desires, or are the dangers of this new land even worse than her home?
Set in a real time, stream-of-consciousness narrative, this story takes you on a sweeping literary journey.
Through the night, and early hours of the morning, Nalia finds herself engaged in a lucid dream. That she is knitting a tale in pink honey comb pattern. This tale describes the ominous conditions of her brother and many of her fateless mates fleeing the Lost Winds; a village which they call home. There are dangers looming ahead. The people of Lost Winds are afraid of persecution and death. Nalia dreams about her own life too; what it could have been, but is not. Her mates are on a boat called the Blue Moon. On a raging sea they braved through treacherous passages, to seek a new land for asylum. Finally, they reach the shores of Draviland, whose citizens speak Kroll. But grave danger lurks here as well. Will there be peace after all? For these hapless travelers have scoured the surface of the planet in search of it. Nalia continues to dream of an ending in which an ultimate world is painted, almost a utopia for herself and her mates.
Set on a fantasy land, the narrative takes place entirely on one night. It has been written in a stream of consciousness style. A technique pioneered and used by many authors such as Dorothy Richardson, Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner and James Joyce.