Misguided Target

Misguided Target
by Jessica Page
After meeting Senator James Clarke and his close friend, madam Dominique Bourdeaux, Kendall Daley starts a new life as an escort known only as Raina. After seven years in the business, she has one final escort event to get through before moving onto the next phase and career of her life.
Kane Clarke is a thirty-five year old Navy Seals Lieutenant on an encouraged leave, visiting Washington D.C. to meet his estranged brother.
Their lives connect after a fluke meeting in a bar one night, but neither of them realizes at the time that they share a connection which will change everything. The pair is thrown into a wild ride of mystery and danger, trying to figure out why James has been taken and why Kendall has been targeted.
Will they figure it out in time? Or will their lives, love and luck run out?