Megaship Maverick (Conquest of Stars Book 3)

Megaship Maverick (Conquest of Stars Book 3)
by Sid Kar
A Titanic clash of two Great Galactic Powers is about to begin!
Mercurian Empire dispatches its legendary Grand Admiral to conquer Nestorian Republic and to thrash Starfirians and he starts amassing a large invasion fleet.
Nestorian Republic is descending into chaos and civil war as the Election Day nears and Roofus closes in on the identity of the man behind the coup.
Commodore Raptor has disappeared in deep space, but the conspirators have hired the dangerous mercenaries of Dark Star Company to attack and seize his starship; Tollvyk must rescue Alvina from the clutches of arrogant Segwyk and Detective Rockvyk carries out a covert investigation to discover the top conspirator pulling the strings of Lambda Man, a secret army organization.
But Starfirians are unaware that a colossal Mercurian Fleet is gunning for them…