Let the Wildflowers Grow

Let the Wildflowers Grow
by Brigitte M. Becker
Let the Wildflowers Grow: One Mother's Journey through Adoption, Attachment and Borderline Personality Disorder is a beautiful story of mother-daughter love that turns to anguish in the challenges of mental health. It follows the poignant narrative of Brigitte Becker, who along with her husband and son, open their heart and home to a bright, beautiful ten-year-old from Ukraine named Anna, embarking together on a journey of adjusting this cherished young girl to the United States.
As mother and daughter bond in shared adventures, the family grows closer. However, signs of attachment and borderline personality disorders emerge in Anna, thrusting Brigitte, like any mother in this situation, into uncharted territory.
As Anna grapples with the challenge of regulating her emotions amidst the escalating battle with mental illness, nonetheless she is steadfast in her resolve to assert herself as an independent human being. Meanwhile, Brigitte seeks out every medical means of help possible. Driven by a fear of abandonment, Anna faces unstable emotional states that erupt in risky behavior.
In the quiet moments of reflection, as she gazes out at the wildflowers dancing in the breeze, Brigitte’s heart aches with the weight of her responses and decisions. But amidst the sadness, there’s determination, a resolve to let things happen naturally, that they will work out over time. Will they? Do they?
This riveting, reads-like-a-novel memoir, is for you if you are a parent of a child with mental illness and are looking for resources, support, and understanding of the unique challenges for adoptees and their families. Through her candid yet heart-wrenching writing, Brigitte gives you a real-life look into a mother’s path towards happiness and healing—as her daughter looks ahead, striving for independence amidst an uncertain future.