Legacy (New Adult Paranormal Suspense)

Legacy (New Adult Paranormal Suspense)
by Michelle Dorey
Keira Swanson is flunking out of school...again. She’s flitted like a butterfly from one college program to another. The only thing she’s ever finished has been the last call at dance clubs.
Everything changes in a New York minute when her parents decide it’s time for tough love and cut her off. No more credit cards, no more cash allowance and OMG they cancelled her apartment’s lease. On top of all that, she’s banished to her grandmother’s. A grandmother she never knew existed.
Her grandmother is batty as hell—Pamela York lives in an antiquated manor, dresses for dinner like she’s the Queen of England and makes crazy talk about ghosts.
Ghosts? As. If.
Keira’s about to learn a few things. Haunted houses do exist and she’s living in one. Pamela isn’t psychotic; she’s a powerful psychic whose lifework has been assisting reluctant spirits pass through The Veil to a higher plane.
When Keira discovers she has a lot more in common with the old woman than she ever imagined, her real education begins.
But it’s not just reluctant spirits Pamela has had to contend with. There also exist malevolent forces; paranormal entities that crave the chaos of a Veil torn asunder. Keira finds out not only are ghosts real— so are demons.
Uh oh.
A young adult supernatural thriller with danger and magic.