Layman Lessons from Simple Tales and Fables

Layman Lessons from Simple Tales and Fables
The first thing I decided to abide by, even before starting to write a book, was to keep it short. This quick read book connects age old simple tales and modern Self Help lessons. The stories selected in this book are age old stories which I had heard during my childhood and this small book delves into such small simple stories and dig out valuable lessons.
This book doesn’t follow any sequence. You can start anywhere. The tips on time management, leadership, and happiness that I have derived from these stories will help you to rethink about your life path. Issues faced by a common man like - how to bring up children?, how to keep relationship working, how to manage tough boss? how to be happy? How to conduct meetings ? How to think clearly? What is the purpose of life? and lot more. are addressed in this book in simple condensed form. I am sure , this book encourages every reader to find something to ponder and rejig their life priorities.