Land of Gods: Epic Military Fantasy Chronicles of Love, Lust, and Loss. (Falls of Redemption Book 1)

Land of Gods: Epic Military Fantasy Chronicles of Love, Lust, and Loss. (Falls of Redemption Book 1)
by Justin Sloan
Narcel’s enslavers took everything from him: his family, the woman he loves, and his freedom. All he has left is his will to live and a burning hatred for his masters.
Years of living and training with the Mawtu changes Narcel. Once his sworn enemies, he now considers these men friends and brothers-at-arms. He would snuff the life from those who oppose them, and fight and die to protect them.
Battle looms on the horizon and the Mawtu army faces its toughest challenge yet. Will Narcel side with his enslavers and lead their army to victory? Will he honor his friendship and allegiance with his new brothers? Or was this all a ruse and will Narcel finally exact his revenge and betray the army that took everything from him?
As Game of Thrones is based on the Wars of the Roses, Land of Gods is the first book in an epic fantasy series based on Ancient Greek wars. It features fast-paced action, a love triangle, and bitter revenge.