Invisible Wounds: Help, Hope, and Healing for Women in Abusive Relationships, or Recovery

Invisible Wounds: Help, Hope, and Healing for Women in Abusive Relationships, or Recovery
by Kay Douglas
Are you in a relationship with a man who puts you down? Are you walking on eggshells? Do you feel like you are going crazy? Scared you’ll never recover from a narcissistic relationship? Invisible Wounds offers positive change!
Written from the heart, this ground-breaking, classic book has helped thousands of women to find their way through the distress, confusion, and darkness of partner abuse.
Invisible Wounds is for you if you are:
• suffering verbal abuse;
• in love with a controlling man;
• experiencing gaslighting;
• living with a jealous, possessive man;
• dealing with a physically abusive partner;
• feeling unable to break free and leave;
• getting over emotional abuse;
• recovering from narcissistic abuse.
Invisible Wounds offers compassionate support, rich insights, and powerful, practical strategies. It is brought to life by the gusty, and inspiring stories of 50 women survivors.
Kay Douglas draws on her 30 years of experience working with abuse and trauma recovery, and her own personal experience of narcissistic partner abuse, to show you how to find a way forward.
Invisible Wounds will help you to:
• understand the red flags of a toxic relationship;
• gain insight into why he does it;
• draw strength from the stories of real women;
• break the cycle of abuse;
• ensure your personal safety;
• understand why it is so hard to break free;
• gain awareness of the impact of abuse on children;
• empower yourself in, or out of, the relationship;
• weigh up your options;
• make a plan to leave safely;
• enjoy a full recovery after abuse;
• rebuild a fabulous new life;
• and much, much more!
Whether you intend to stay in your relationship, leave, or have already separated Invisible Wounds offers the expert guidance and support you need to fast track your recovery process and find a pathway to a better life.
If you’d like to find a positive way to take back your life, then order your Kindle, paperback or audiobook copy of this remarkable book today.
An empowering guide! The author provides a comprehensive and compassionate look at very sensitive and painful topics and provides a path of hope and healing.
Invisible Wounds is powerfully written and full of useful information that every woman should read and understand.
The author does a fantastic job of outlining the problems, the signs and symptoms, the setbacks, and the solutions to the problems. Each part of this resource is invaluable and very well communicated.
What an amazing book!
Everything that was described in Invisible Wounds was so real. It's a book that can be easily read and understood without difficult theories and analysis.
The author uses examples from interviewed women in order to explain certain definitions/situations and this makes the book so helpful and real.
I loved the fact that Invisible Wounds also provides solutions to the problems. It helps you identify an abusive relationship, gives ways to overcome it and how to handle difficult situations for yourself and for the kids.
Invisible Wounds, an incredible book that can make a real impact!
Despina Mavridou, author of Mum, Dad, Can you hear me?