InspiredWork:Create Work You Love in 8 Weeks
InspiredWork:Create Work You Love in 8 Weeks
by Vicki Morris
Find a Job or Create Work You Love in Just 8 Weeks
Whether you are looking for a job, want to change careers or start your own business – InspiredWork is THE career guide that can help you take the next step.
Author, Founder and Career Happiness Coach, Vicki Morris, is here to show us that we have the power to transform our careers and create work we love. With more than 25 years of experience as a high tech business leader, entrepreneur and mentor, Vicki learned firsthand that all it takes is knowing what inspired work means to you, understanding where you are now, taking daily inspired action and enjoying your unique career journey.
You can experience career happiness, too. The answers are inside of you. All you need to do is find the right guide – a guide that both inspires you and gives you practical advice on how to transform your career and brand in the Global Digital Age. That’s what InspiredWork: Create Work You Love in 8 Weeks is providing.
Inside this book you will discover:
•Why 80% of people are unhappy at work and if you are one of them
•What inspired work means to you
•Which career path (new job, career or business) is right for you
•How to create a personalized game plan to transform your career
•Step-by-step guidance on how to find a job, change careers or start your own business in just 8 weeks
•And Much More
Imagine waking up each day excited about your work instead of dreading it. Think about how happy your friends and family will be when they see how much you enjoy your new job or business. These can happen to you, if you create your own inspired work.
Life is too short to be unhappy at work. The sooner you get InspiredWork, the sooner you will be able to transform your career and start feeling happier.
Don’t Put Off Your Chance at Career Happiness. Get This InspiredWork Book Today.
InspiredWork Book Testimonials
“InspiredWork is the best career guide ever! It includes an amazing quiz to help you figure out the best career path for you and then provides step-by-step guidance on how to find a job, change careers or start your own business in just 8 weeks.” – Adryenn Ashley, CEO/Founder,
"In a day when people are struggling at jobs they hate or begging for jobs they can't get, it's a relief to see a how-to manual on how to create work you love -- and in only 8 weeks. This book is simple. All you have to do is follow it. I endorse it and am glad to see it." ¬– Dr. Joe Vitale, author of The Miracle and Attract Money Now
“Life is too short to be unhappy at work. That’s why you should read the InspiredWork book by career happiness coach, Vicki Morris.” – Susan Barton, eBook Review Gal
"Whether you are changing jobs, switching careers, or becoming an entrepreneur, this book has the essential information needed for today's business world. Life does not stand still, and embracing change as a positive opportunity is what this book is all about. I can't imagine a better guidebook on your journey toward fulfilling work that you love." – Clear Englebert, author of Feng Shui for Retail Stores and Feng Shui for Love & Money
“InspiredWork is your A to Z guide on reclaiming your excitement for the workweek. The best part is that it speaks to individuals at every stage of their career path - whether you're fresh out of college and trying to find out what career makes the most sense for you, or you're stuck at a job with no upward mobility and you're exploring the idea of starting your own business - this book lays everything out in an easy-to-read format, with real, actionable suggestions.” – Mark Schellenbach, Manager,