Inflight Terror: An Antiterroist Novella

Inflight Terror: An Antiterroist Novella
by Ian Maxwell
What happens when a Serial Killer takes on a bunch of Hijackers?
The Plan: Hijack an airliner and do some real bad things.
The Problem: One by one, the hijackers start getting killed.
Yep, someone in economy class is taking out the hijackers one by one. Caught off guard by the unexpected 'attrition' in their ranks, the remaining hijackers split their time between hunting the elusive killer and doing their best to keep the hijacking alive.
Part extreme-satire, part super-conspiracy, this novella involving planes and other bad things should be right up the alley for fans of Archer, Johnny English and other irreverent spies.
Inflight Terror is a deadly saga of evil vs super evil... may the better evil win